PeopLink/Greenstar HTML Here is the HTML source code which you may insert into your homepage; it will connect your visitors directly to PeopLink, thereby supporting hard-working artisans around the world...and each purchase they make will also earn a commission for Greenstar Foundation. Everybody wins... <!-- Begin Commission Link to PEOPLink --> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" BORDER="0"> </A> <!-- End Commission Link to PEOPLink --> If you would like to feature a larger image, and tell your audience the basics about Greenstar and PeopLink before channeling them to the website, you may use this HTML source code: <!-- Begin Commission Link to Greenstar and PEOPLink --> <CENTER><TABLE WIDTH="310" BORDER="5" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5"> <TR> <TD WIDTH="100%"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" BORDER="0"> <ALT="PeopLink/Greenstar Connection"></TD> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER> <!-- End Commission Link to Greenstar and PEOPLink --> |