Brazil Video

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Some of the free videos on this site use Real Media, which is a free download available by clicking the logo at left. Real runs on most major computer systems.

Click the video you'd like to see.


A new Greenstar Community Center, coming in Spring and Summer of 2002:


The River's Message:
Greenstar Brasil

The Amazon
Visions of the greatest river in the world from the people's perspective

stills & music; 1:17 time; 2.7 Mbytes

Saude e Alegria
"Health & Happiness": the approach to independence by people in an Amazon town

streaming video; 3:30 time

Visit the center of an Amazon village, Suruaca, along the Tapajo River

VR panorama; interactive; 988 Kbytes

Village Dance
Children practice their moves as part of a pageant on the history of their community

motion video; :57 time; 2.6 Mbytes


All video and music on this Web page
is © copyright by Greenstar,
unless otherwise noted below.

Following are exceptions and additions to the above copyright:

Village Dance and Saude e Alegria: © copyright Saude e Alegria, Brasil
music from Saude e Alegria video is © copyright Gilberto Gil and Carlinhos Brown
For more information on these fine artists, click here:
Gilberto Gil | Carlinhos Brown

Brazil photography by Charles Gay