Greenstar's top goal is to build the case for peace and to spur economic development by building ecommerce in small villages. In addition to a focus on solid results in human terms, we also have a commitment to a foundation of sound science in everything we do. To this end, we have just completed an efficiency study of the solar modules Greenstar installed in a Palestinian village. An independent investigator, Dr. David Faiman of the University of the Negev, conducted the study; he is among the leading solar engineers in the entire Middle East region. Although the report is a bit dense for those not versed in photovoltaics, it is worth a look for anyone interested in alternative energy because of its clear analysis of what makes a large solar array work well, in practical terms. We've included photographs, and explanations in lay language, as well as the complete measurement tables. The principal components, large solar panels supplied by ASE Americas, were found to be of state-of-the-art efficiency, operating in a completely satisfactory manner. These are among the most efficient modules ever studied by these investigators under desert conditions. Delivery of electrical energy from the roof-mounted panels to the indoor power conditioning components was found to occur with minimal, if any, loss.
You can read the complete study, and optionally download an Acrobat version, at